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How Inner Change Caused Outer Transformation

Transforming Your Inner and Outer Worlds

One of the most powerful principles of reality that can completely transform our lives is the mirror principle. This transformation doesn’t involve a specific technique or strategy requiring action but is related to the person you want to become. For example, if your desire is to become a millionaire, you need to become a millionaire on the inside before this manifests on the outside. Otherwise, you’ll keep jumping from one place to another, thinking the problem lies with you.

The first lesson in this principle is that if you don’t change internally, nothing external will change. This is the fundamental essence of the mirror principle. If you master this principle, everything you touch will turn to gold. However, this requires confronting your own demons and reflections you may not like.

Reality is a mirror that reflects your relationship with yourself and the world. Your inner world and your outer world are interconnected. If your relationship with money, for example, is that you’re not capable of making money, the mirror of reality will reflect that belief, giving you more evidence and circumstances confirming your incapability. The external world is merely a reflection formed by our internal world. Most people today are immersed in the frenzy of the outside world, consumed by technology and social media, losing connection with their inner wisdom.

The mirror principle highlights the importance of understanding that reality reflects two things: your relationship with yourself and your relationship with the world. If you think you’re not good enough, the mirror will reflect that belief, providing more proof of why you’re not good enough. Instead of trying to manipulate the reflected image, we must learn to transform the image we project in front of the mirror, influencing our world indirectly.

To change this pattern, you need to create your own identity and worldview. Start by becoming clear about what you want in the long term. Ask yourself who you are being now and what characteristics and traits you have when achieving your goals. Create affirmations about your identity and vision of the world. For example, affirmations like “I am worthy” and “The world conspires in my favor” can help. Repeating these affirmations daily will lead to an incredible transformation in how you perceive reality.

The reflection in our material world is formed with a certain delay. In our inner world, we can instantly create an image by visualizing what we want. However, in the physical dimension, things take time to manifest due to the dense nature of matter. You must remain faithful to the identity and worldview you have created until your goal reveals itself. Start by adopting the identity of someone who already is what you want to be and hold on to that identity.

The mirror of reality doesn’t reflect the nature of your thoughts but their purified content. For example, if you express dissatisfaction with your job, the mirror will reflect more situations that increase your dissatisfaction. Focus on what you want and already have, making any change by focusing on what you have now. This will close the gap between your current life and your desired life.

The mirror cycle is crucial. Most people observe, create an image, and then see the reflection, remaining trapped in a cycle of ups and downs. To become a true creator of your reality, you need to reverse this cycle. Start with the image you want to form and turn your back on the current reality. Realize that what is around you now has been formed from past decisions. Choose the image of what you want and what you have, and the mirror will start reflecting it, even in small amounts. Confirm the positive changes and continue focusing on what you want.

Using these principles will change your life completely. At the beginning of my spiritual journey, I thought this was nonsense, but the results were astounding. As we dive into the depths of the mirror of reality, we discover an inner power often overlooked. What we see around us is an echo of our beliefs, identity, and worldview. Instead of just observing reality, we must shape our destiny with the image of who we want to be and what we want to achieve. The mirror of reality responds with small changes, transforming itself over time.

Ultimately, our journey through the mirror of reality is a search for truth within ourselves and a celebration of our ability to create, innovate, and transcend. I hope this knowledge guides you through life’s journey, helping you create the reality of your dreams. Thank you for embarking on this journey with me. If this resonated with you, like and subscribe to our channel, share this message with others, and leave a comment below sharing your thoughts and experiences. Thank you for watching and joining me. Take care and see you soon.

“Reality is a mirror; smile at it, and it smiles back at you.” - Peace Pilgrim

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