How to Get What You Want in Life

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Let me show you something cool. In my hand, I’m holding a tiny paper ketchup cup. You’ve seen these before, but most people don’t know they can expand up to three times their size. It’s a small detail, often overlooked, that could make life a little easier. Isn’t that a bit like our untapped potential? Sometimes, it’s hiding in plain sight, waiting for us to unfold it.

We often go through life without realizing we have more to offer, more we can achieve, if only we took a moment to open up those folds. Maybe you know your potential but haven’t acted on it because you didn’t want to challenge the status quo. Or maybe you didn’t know how to push past the boundaries in front of you.

How many times have you felt like you could have gotten what you wanted if only you had the right words or the courage to ask? Today, let’s change that. I’ve taught people all over the world three words that can help you get what you want: "decided," the "ly" words (like "typically," "usually"), and the most powerful of them all—"because."

These words have the power to change everything if you know how to use them. "Decided" is often a word people throw around without action. Deciding something doesn’t mean it’s done; it just means you’ve thought about it. Think of how many New Year’s resolutions are "decided" but never achieved. The truth is, life happens, and most of our decisions remain unexecuted.

Now, let’s look at those "ly" words. Words like "typically" or "usually" are limitations we place on ourselves. We hear them and think, “That’s just the way things are.” But they’re really just another fold in that paper ketchup cup—something you can push past if you want to.

Finally, there’s "because." It’s the word that opens doors. It’s the tool that unfolds that little ketchup cup. When you explain your reasoning, people listen. It’s a persuasive word that can help you get what you want.

Let me tell you a story. My husband and I always dreamed of having three children, but after the birth of our first, we faced years of infertility. After seven years and three miscarriages, we thought our dream was over. Then, we learned about egg donors. This gave us hope, but there was still one big hurdle. The fertility doctor told us I’d need to take injections twice a day for months. The needles were huge, and because I travel so much for work, it seemed impossible.

At first, I felt crushed. But then I remembered: decided doesn’t mean done. So, I asked the nurse, “Is there another option?” She mentioned hormone pills but said, “Typically, you have to be under 35 to take them.” I replied, “I’m not a typical patient. Because I travel so much, and because I have the means, would you ask the doctor if I can take the pills instead?”

She did, and guess what? It worked. Now, I’m a mother of three, and our dream has come true. All because I refused to accept "decided" as the final word.

So, what about you? Where in your life are you letting "decided" or those "ly" words hold you back? The next time you face a challenge, remember that there is more potential inside you than you realize. Use "because" to unfold it. Ask for what you need. Push those boundaries.

Life is full of little ketchup cups waiting to expand. What will your story be?