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  • In Dreams, She Waits: A Story of Love and Loss

In Dreams, She Waits: A Story of Love and Loss

A Dream About Generations

The Beginning of a Journey

On April 14th, 1944, Victoria Dock of Bombay witnessed an explosion that changed lives forever. This fictional tale, inspired by that real event, traces the dreams and love of Seema and Third Officer Stuart Philips.

A Love Across Oceans

In December 1943, Seema, a 16-year-old orphan, clutches a letter from 20-year-old British Third Officer Stuart Philips. Despite her bleak surroundings, the promise of Stuart’s arrival in Calcutta in April 1944 keeps her hopeful.

The Departure

On February 25th, 1944, Stuart’s ship, the SS Fort Crevier, leaves Virginia. Stuart imagines the reunion with Seema, believing it is harder to wait than to travel. He sends Seema a telegram from Karachi, promising to meet her soon.

A Hopeful Awaiting

Seema packs her belongings and waits at Sealdah Tram Station for Stuart, filled with dreams of a better life. Unbeknownst to her, Stuart’s journey is fraught with unforeseen dangers.

The Catastrophe

On April 14th, 1944, the SS Fort Stikine, a neighboring ship in Bombay Harbour, catches fire and explodes. The blast kills Stuart instantly, leaving Seema waiting in vain.

Unfulfilled Promises

Seema never receives the news of Stuart’s death. She waits for days, eventually marrying a man from Calcutta. She lives a life of quiet resignation, always haunted by the love that never was.

A Legacy of Dreams

Seema’s dreams of Stuart live on through her family. Her granddaughter, who narrates this story, reflects on the unfulfilled love of her grandmother, captured in a single photograph and recurring dreams.

The Real Event

While this story is fictional, it is based on the real explosion of the SS Fort Stikine in the Victoria Dock of Bombay on April 14th, 1944, a tragic event that impacted many lives.


“In Dreams, She Waits” captures the essence of love and loss across generations, illustrating how dreams can persist even when reality shatters them. This poignant tale reminds us of the enduring power of hope and memory.