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  • Regretting the Uncle I Hardly Knew and Now Deeply Miss

Regretting the Uncle I Hardly Knew and Now Deeply Miss

A Heartfelt Reflection on Lost Opportunities

I wish I knew you better

My own uncle

My mother's flesh and blood

And mine, too, I suppose

But you've always been far

Far from sight, far from reach,

Never too far from mind, I must say.

I hear stories about you

Childhood stories that mum tells me

About your mischief

About your early exit from the family nucleus

How you set up your own successes

Build your own little life

How you're always elusive evasive

But never unkind.

How you'd shower me and my sister

With chocolates and gifts

Things we never asked for

And yet you gave

For you had a heart of gold.

One that not many understood

I see a lot of me in you

A kind person with strict boundaries

A kind, misunderstood person

A creative mind

A go-getter

But never one to forget family

You would touch base with everyone

When it was needed

But never invade in another's life or privacy

You were far

But now that you're gone

You're even further away from reach.

I'm sorry you had to go so soon

I'm sorry I didn't try to get to know you better

I'm sorry I can't be there

I'm sorry I didn't shed as many tears

When I heard of your passing

Because somewhere deep down

All I could think of was how unfair it was

That I didn't get to know you better

That I didn't know you enough

To wail in sorrow

My heart is filled with misery

I grieve quietly

For you will be missed, dear Uncle.

By many.

Some near, but many far.