The Best Friend's Betrayal

How Internet Folklore Led to a Real-Life Attempted Murder in Waukesha, Wisconsin

The Impact of Slender Man on a Real-Life Crime

This true crime story blurs the line between reality and horror fiction, involving real individuals and the internet-born boogeyman known as Slender Man. The events in Waukesha, Wisconsin, shocked the peaceful town and drew national attention.

The Players: Payton, Morgan, and Anissa

Payton, a kind-hearted girl, met Morgan in the fourth grade, and they became best friends. Morgan, known for her artistic talents and vivid imagination, introduced Anissa to their duo in sixth grade. Anissa and Morgan grew close over their shared obsession with Slender Man, a fictional internet character.

The Internet Monster: Slender Man

Slender Man, a faceless, tall figure, originated from internet folklore on the forum Something Awful. While Payton was frightened by the stories, Morgan and Anissa believed in Slender Man's existence.

The Investigation and Arrest

Payton was rushed to the hospital and identified her attackers. Police found Morgan and Anissa, who revealed they were heading to meet Slender Man. They believed failing to kill Payton would result in harm to their families.

The Trials

Both girls faced serious charges. Morgan, diagnosed with early-onset schizophrenia, was sentenced to 40 years in a mental institution. Anissa received a three-year sentence and was released after serving her time.


This tragic story underscores the dark influence of internet folklore on impressionable minds. It highlights the need for vigilance in monitoring online content and the importance of awareness, education, and mental health support in the digital age.