What Actually Matters in Your 20s

Finding Purpose and Fulfillment

Embrace the Journey, Not the Destination

Life in your 20s can feel like a constant comparison game. Some friends are earning twice as much as you, others are getting married, and some are traveling the world. It can make you doubt yourself. But your 20s are not about proving anyone wrong; they're about discovering what truly makes you happy. Embrace the twists and turns, the highs and lows, and the unexpected detours that shape your path. Instead of fixating on where you think you should be, focus on the journey of self-discovery and personal growth.

Pursue Passion with Purpose

After spending a significant amount of money and time earning a degree in engineering, I initially pursued a traditional career path. However, I quickly realized it wasn't making me happy. I decided to leave my job and pursue my true passions, even though it was one of the toughest times of my life. Your 20s are a time to find what you love and experiment as much as possible. Make mistakes, take chances, and do what you love. This is your second birth into adult life, so treat it as an opportunity to find your true calling.

Take Good Care of Yourself

Don’t compromise your health. Your decisions and habits today shape the person you’re going to be. Go out for runs, pick a sport, and eat healthily. It’s easy to neglect your physical and mental health in the hustle and bustle of life, but your 20s are the perfect time to prioritize self-care. Nourish your body with nutritious food, get regular exercise, and make time for activities that bring you joy and fulfillment. Taking care of yourself now will pay dividends in the long run.

Dreams Require Sacrifice

If you have big dreams, be prepared to make big sacrifices. Success rarely comes easy, and achieving your goals will demand hard work, dedication, and perseverance. Learn how to say no. Your friends will be out partying, but you need to pick the gatherings that align with your goals. Stay committed to your vision, even when the going gets tough. Every sacrifice brings you one step closer to your dreams.

Live Like a Typical Bachelor

Make as many memories as you can by stepping out of your comfort zone. Seek discomfort and ask yourself, “Do I need it or do I want it?” Mastering this question truthfully will save you time and money. Live on things that make your life easy, not comfortable. Step out with your friends and socialize, but never at the expense of your work or personal life. Don’t hesitate to make new friends and talk to more people. You’ll be surprised at how much you can learn from a diverse group of people.

Teach Yourself What School Didn’t

Learn about taxes, investing, and saving money. Start as soon as possible. Enroll in classes that teach you how to invest in stocks and save your money smartly. Your 20s will teach you many things you should’ve learned a long time ago, but since no one else taught you, you’ll have to teach these things to yourself. Put in the extra hours and make yourself smarter—never shy away from these opportunities.

People Will Change, Don’t Force It

As you navigate your 20s, you’ll notice that the behavior of some people around you is changing. Sometimes it’s a good change, sometimes it reeks of trouble. You’ll find that a friend is distancing themselves or your thoughts no longer align. Know that it is no one's fault. Everyone is on their own journey, and you cannot force people to remain the same. You have to grow too. It’s heartbreaking because you’re growing apart from people you thought would play a big role in your future. But with time, you will find the people who stick with you and are happy to make room for you in their lives.

Know You’re Enough

Maybe nothing matters in your 20s. Maybe everything does. Maybe you’ll find the answers early. Maybe you’ve figured it all out already. There is no right way to live your life, but one thing never changes—know your value and know you’re enough. In case no one has told you yet—you’re not supposed to have it all figured out. It’s okay if you’re taking time to pave your way. Take this time to understand what you want from your life and live it without fearing any societal pressures.


Your 20s are a unique and transformative time. Embrace the journey, pursue your passions, take care of your health, make sacrifices for your dreams, live like a bachelor, educate yourself on what school didn’t teach, and understand that people change. Most importantly, know that you are enough and it's okay not to have everything figured out. Use this decade to lay the foundation for a fulfilling and meaningful life.

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