What are techniques that manipulators use?

That guy's name was Joseph Samuel Girardi. And he was nothing special.

Yet he was voted the best seller of all time by the Guinness World Record Book.

His job?

Salesman in a car dealership.

His talent?

It was IMPOSSIBLE for his clients to resist him.

No matter what company he worked for: he was consistently the BEST car salesman, EVERY time.

His colleagues began to wonder:

  • Was he cheating?

  • Was he manipulating his customers?

  • Was he threatening them to buy?

No one knew.

Until the day when...

A psychology researcher - Robert Cialdini - decided to study how Joseph sold.

After several weeks of research, Robert Cialdini made an astonishing discovery:

This good old Joseph.. wasJUSTa nice guy.

Yes, yes.

That was his secret.

He was literally... nice.

People bought from him because they liked Joseph.

But Cialdini deepened his research. And he found 3 details that made Joseph sympathetic:

1/ He often complimented

This is one of the most UNDERESTIMATED techniques of influence.

And yet it works better than anything else:

Joseph often gave sincere and laudatory compliments (not trivialities like: "You are beautiful")

He found what interested his client, and he complimented him on it.

2/ He was looking for similarities

Joseph talked easily.

"Oh you like canoeing? I did it last summer with my son Eliott!"

"Your son's name is Eliott? Like my dad, it's fun!"

It's the kind of (very) mundane discussions that bring people together – like it or not.

3/ He gave attention

One of Joseph's craziest feats:

It is to have sent to + 13,000 customers greeting cards for the holidays. With the inscription inside: "You are a friend."

Nothing more.

Sympathy is perhaps the ultimate form of manipulation. The one no one sees.

Yet it is more powerful and influential than anything else.

Because no one notices.