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  • What are the 7 psychological facts that can help the 1% improve my life?

What are the 7 psychological facts that can help the 1% improve my life?

  1. A small area of the brain called the amygdala allows you to read another person's face for clues about how they are feeling;

  2. Marrying your best friend reduces your chances of divorce by more than 70%, and the relationship is more likely to last a lifetime;

  3. Beware of any professional who spews out too many obscure terms related to their field;

  4. When people who speak two languages switch between them, they can unconsciously change their personality;

  5. We can only hold a steady concentration on something for a maximum of ten/twenty minutes at a time before our minds start to wander even a little bit;

  6. You obsess over things you feel you don't have. The human brain is sensitive to scarcity; you constantly feel like you are missing out on things you need;

  7. You'd rather anticipate a bad outcome than not know what to expect.