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What Cause to threaten Richard Gere's Life?

Richard Gere's Unexpected Struggle

Richard Gere, known for iconic roles in American Gigolo and Pretty Woman, has always rejected the 'sex symbol' tag. In a dramatic turn, he once threatened legal action against a talk show host who dared to use that label. Let's delve into Gere's disdain for the term and his quest to be recognized beyond his looks.

A Surprising Showdown

Richard Gere, a Hollywood veteran, achieved stardom with his breakout role in American Gigolo in 1980. Despite his success, the actor vehemently opposed being labeled a 'sex symbol.' This aversion reached a boiling point during an appearance on the talk show Aspel & Company in 1989, leading Gere to consider legal action.

The Talk Show Clash

During the show, host Michael Aspel introduced Gere as a sex symbol, triggering an unexpected response. Gere's team promptly demanded the removal of the phrase, even threatening legal consequences. This incident shed light on Gere's desire to be taken seriously as an actor and humanitarian, not merely as eye candy.

Gere's Perspective

Gere, known for his humanitarian efforts, aimed to distance himself from the sex symbol stereotype. He openly laughed at the notion after American Gigolo's release, emphasizing the absurdity of appearances. In subsequent interviews, he reiterated that he has never felt like a sex symbol, attributing the perception to an illusion.

Aging Out of the Label

In 2006, at the age of 57, Gere asserted that he had outgrown the sex symbol tag and urged people to view him realistically. Embracing his changing looks, he highlighted the fleeting nature of physical attributes. Gere's candid acknowledgment reflected his indifference to societal expectations regarding aging.


Richard Gere's defiance against the sex symbol label reveals a deeper commitment to his craft and humanitarian pursuits. This journey unfolds the complexities of fame, aging, and the actor's unwavering dedication to be recognized for more than just his external allure.