What's the hardest truth of life?

1. Everyone is a whore. We just sell different parts of ourselves.

2. If it's free, you're the product.

3. Comparison is the thief of joy.

4. Nostalgia is a liar.

5. A person is smart, but people are dumb.

6. Marrying the wrong person can destroy you.

7. A pessimist is only a well informed optimist.

8. If people could put rainbows in cages, they would.

9. No one is interested in your suffering until you succeed.

10. Blood means shit. Pick your own family.

11. The world is run by the 1% and most of us are just living in it.

12. Sometimes you are the bad guy.

13. It's never a stranger who betrays you.

14. In a relationship, love is not enough.

15. Love is not all you need.

16. It's better not to be bitter knowing the above.