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  • Which financial mistakes will keep people poor?

Which financial mistakes will keep people poor?

Dad: Everyone gather round. I've got some good news.

Kids: What Daddy what?

Dad: I just got promoted to senior supervisor, that's an extra $5 an hour…plus I got a cheque for $1000 on my tax return

Mom: That's great Charles but what does it mean for us?

Dad: It means we're taking out a new car and spending the weekend in the Bahamas!

Can't speak for the entire world but here in Trinidad and possibly throughout the entire Caribbean a lot of ‘poor’ people suffer from this seemingly incurable syndrome:

An incremental increase in revenue usually follows with an exponential increase in spending.

Worked double shift at the grocery all month = Buy a new iPhone

Got the piece o' junk car sold for $800 profit = Take out a brand new Subaru

Grandfather left 2 acres of flood prone land in will = Go buck wild for your next birthday party

Paid off loan for car = 55inch curve screen TV

$500 Christmas food voucher = $6000 food bill and new curtains

Son got his first job = Renovate the house

Price of milk decreases by 50 cents = More money for booze