You can kiss your weekends goodbye

You can kiss your weekened hiking trips goodbye

This is what my supervisor told me today. I left my last job and came to this company because i wanted more free time on the weekends. I specifically told my supervisor this three years ago when i was in my hiring interview.

I was assured that we only worked weekends once a month at most and that was due to emergencies.

Over the past few months i have seen greed continue to take on more and more projects without hiring more helpers. I have voiced my concern months ago, but was told "we will figure it out"

I am a lead over about 40 people and mentally i am exhausted. The only thing that gets me through the ever increasing work load is the joy of hiking on the weekends and my boss knows that.

This is why today he specifically told me this. He wants my team to work 6 days a week for who knows how long.

Im afraid my team will quit when they find out.

But the higher ups dont care. They see profits and larger bonuses. We are merely here to increase their profits regardless how it affects our life outside of work

Everyone wants to be on my team because i treat them like humans, friends even. I respect my team and let them off when they need to be. But now i must tell them that they will be working every saturday and i cant change that